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5 Things To Consider When Choosing An Accident Repair Specialist

Champion Advice

You have had an accident and need to get your car back on the road as soon as possible but you are a bit stuck as to which accident repair specialist to select. Your friends have given you some suggestions but how do you know if there needs will match yours? Here are a few things you should take into consideration when selecting your repairer.

1.) Reputation:

Reputation counts. It’s a track record. The best indicator of future performance is past behavior. So find out what other people’s experience has been with your repairer of choice. Read reviews. No one is perfect but if the vast majority of people have had a great service, chances are you will too.

2.) Size:

Size matters. There is a reason why some companies grow, others maintain and others close. People talk. Success grows on success. Honest people want to work with other honest people and therefore award them business. Bigger repairers will invest in the latest equipment and technology to ensure that your repair is the absolute best it can be which preserves your vehicle safety and value. Another benefit of size is the ability of the repairer to quickly source vehicle parts for you as they may have preferential service agreements due to the volume they order.

3.) Price:

Price should be taken into consideration but it should not be the only indicator. Line item quotes should be given so you can see what is being quoted for and to enable you to compare apples with apples. This also enables you to check that what was quoted for was indeed done.

Pricing in the accident repair industry is very much regulated by service level agreements with insurance companies and checked by assessors. This means that there shouldn’t be huge discrepancies in price between repairers. As a result of this policing it is not necessary to get multiple quotes. One quote will do and it will be scrutinsed by Assessors and Insurers before it is signed off.

A higher value quote is often an indicator of superior performance of that particular repairer. It may also be due to the fact that they have more advanced and newer equipment, or more expert or highly trained staff working on your vehicle.

As the old adeage says: “If you buy cheap, you buy twice.”

4.) Guarantees:

Beware of guarantees that sound too good to be true. A lot of the time they are. New manufacturer parts are only guaranteed for one year by the manufacturer. Paint work normally carries a 3 year guarantee. If companies state otherwise ask to see their fine print as no doubt they will have covered themselves in the event of you needing to claim. A credible repairer, like Ross Champion, has no problem in keeping to their word.

5.) Public Liability:

Life happens. Is your repairer covered by public liability in the event that they have your car at the time of a natural disaster, a flood, fire, riot or even theft? You want to ensure that one of your greatest assets is covered in the event that something happens to it while it is at the accident repair specialist.

There you have it. 5 things to look for when selecting your repairer of choice. Reputation. Size. Price. Guarantees and public liability. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to call and ask us. We would be only too delighted to point you in the right direction. Written by Julia Fryer on 10th May 2022.

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Champion Advice

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