The 8 Step Accident Repair Process
You have had the misfortune of having an accident and need to get your vehicle repaired but you are not sure what the next steps are, who drives the process, who needs to do what, and what role you need to play. The good news is that Ross Champion is here to help you in […]
How Many Repair Quotes Do I Need To Get and Can I Choose Who Does My Repair?
Until recently customers had to source three quotes when wanting to get their vehicle accident claim authorized by insurance. That has now changed. A customer only has to source one quote from a reputable accident repair specialist because almost all insurance companies now have service level agreements in place with a panel of accepted repairers. […]
5 Things To Consider When Choosing An Accident Repair Specialist
You have had an accident and need to get your car back on the road as soon as possible but you are a bit stuck as to which accident repair specialist to select. Your friends have given you some suggestions but how do you know if there needs will match yours? Here are a few […]